Один из ведущих Акселераторов США TechStars, прочно обосновалcя в Канаде. USA. Investment. Canada.

Один из источников информации о стартапах, которые еще не засветились в публичном пространстве - это выпускники Акселераторов, особенно те, кто получил на выходе инвестиции. Посмотрите, как это работает в Канадской версии популярного Американского Techstars.

Согласно данным отчета Silicon Valley Bank Stake of the Markets, в прошлом году Techstars была названа одним из самых активных иностранных инвесторов Канады. В отчете отмечалось, что к тому времени филиал Techstars в Торонто уже осуществил более 50 инвестиций.

Here is a list of companies in Techstars Toronto Summer 2023 class:

Canadian companies

Omnee (Saskatoon): Bridging homeownership and AI-infused technology, Omnee empowers homeowners to understand and take care of their homes.

Hover Drone Delivery (Toronto): Transforming last-mile delivery with autonomous drone delivery.

Fairly AI (Waterloo): Building the compliance layer for AI.

Weaver & Loom (Toronto): Empowering designers and retailers with innovative technology to craft bespoke luxury rugs, through bypassing the supply chain. Create, build, and deliver just-in-time handmade area rugs, improving artisans’ lives along the way.

Better Basics (Vancouver): Better Basics designs self-care and cleaning essentials that are better for people + the planet.

ENGAIZ (Mississauga): An integrated cyber risk intelligence, risk assessment and compliance platform to help organizations mitigate digital risks and build trust.

Unified (Toronto): One API to integrate them all.

Aview (Hamilton): Enabling content creators and brands to monetize their content globally.

Asepha (Toronto): Enabling clinicians to make faster-informed decisions by navigating through 35 million documents within seconds.

APX Lending (Toronto): A new standard of compliance, safety and security in digital asset backed lending.

Payfi (Moncton and Mississauga): Helping International Students Access Affordable Housing.
